
Partnering and supporting missions and church planting

My name is Boe Ellis. I live in Tampa with my wife Connie. We have six kids and two grandkids. I serve as a missions catalyst and executive director for a non-profit missions organization aptly called the Great Commission Partnerships Network.

This site is a collection of work that I have been able to do in support of Southern Baptist churches and church planters to promote their ministries and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I like to call it missionary-journalism, where I just go out and get the story and trust the Lord to help me relate it back across various media. In the process, I hope you see the great need for the Gospel in some of North America’s least-reached areas.

These are some of the projects that I have been able to spearhead and some that I continue to oversee:

Tampa Bay Church Planting – God connected us to Pastor Mike Kahn, D.O.M. of the Tampa Bay Baptist Association back in 2013. We were honored to be able to help him drive a new church planting focus for our home town.

Northeast Church Planting Coalition– With the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, we were promoting  partnerships in Boston, New York and Toronto. Featuring “city partnerships, videos and a monthly podcast

vcpNew Hampshire Church Planting – Working with the North American Mission Board’s Catalyst, Sean Simonton, we rolled out in January, 2014, a brand new site with a series of regionally-focused videos.

Maine Church Planting – Working with Barry Murry of the North American Mission Board, and funded through partnerships, we rolled out a new site painting the picture of life and ministry in Maine.

Mission | Toronto | Canada: Mission Team Training with Dan Collison – Thanks to the Baptist State Convention of NC, we were able to produce this four-part video series inside 1) Canada, 2) Toronto, 3) Church Planting, and 4) a posture called F.L.U.I.D.

New York City Church Planting– With Steve Allen of the North American Mission Board and George Russ of the Metro New York Baptist Association, we created this site in 2012.

Boston Church Planting – With Joe Souza of the North American Mission Board, we created this project in spring 2011. It became a model for other cities.

hba_buttonHudson Baptist Association – Working with Sean Pierce of the North American Mission Board, we are grateful to have partnered with the HBA on new Websites, videos, newsletters and other communications strategies.

vcpVermont Church Planting – Working with Lyandon Warren, a pastor, church planter, and Lead Catalyst with the North America Mission Board, we developed a new site complete with a bunch of new videos back in January, 2013.

Rhode Island Church Planting – With North American Mission Board Catalyst Shaun Pillay, we were excited to release in the spring of 2014 for Rhode Island and Eastern Connecticut a brand new site with multiple videos.

Toronto Church Planting – With Andrew Lamme and Brett Porter, we developed the original TorontoChurchPlanting.com. And in partnership with the Baptist State Convention of NC, we produced a four-part, cross-cultural missions teams training series.

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